January 19, 2003

Template Problems

There seems to be a problem with the default Movable Type templates. If the main column here doesn't go down at least as far as the right-hand column with the links and stuff, the right-hand column expands below the main column. It does this on Gecko-based browsers such as Chimera and Phoenix, but not in Internet Explorer (for Mac; haven't tried on a PC).

It appears that the div element containing the right-hand column, <div id="links">, is changing width. I'm not sure whether or not it's supposed to according to the CSS2 spec. Does anyone know more about this than me?

Meanwhile, I'll just have to crank up the article retention to eight weeks and make sure to post frequently enough to keep the left-hand column longer than the right-hand one.

Posted by mikeplokta at January 19, 2003 05:21 PM | TrackBack

RH col problems arise in some templates because links etc are being 'floated' past the LH 'content' which when non-trivial takes 65% of the width. Other templates avoid this by defining a RH col, but mixing proportional sizing with this often produces ugly horizontal scrollbars (I believe because of a confusion between screensize and windowsize).

Posted by: Steven Cain on January 19, 2003 08:24 PM

That's odd - I have the scrolling problem with Alison's Macadamia but your blog shows up fine without all that resizing windows nonsense.

Posted by: Max on January 20, 2003 01:09 AM

So it does. How odd. I guess the Movable Type stylesheet that I'm using (Georgia Blue) works better than Alison's (which she has modified, but I think the starting point was Clean).

Posted by: Mike Scott on January 20, 2003 09:35 AM
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