Cover Illustration
A reproduction of the cover of the original paper fanzine.
Telling everyone what we've been up to, and announcing release 2.0 of
An Appraisal of the Utility of a
Chocolate Teapot
Simon Bradshaw et
With a list of authors coming perilously close to the
length of the article, Plokta presents another ground-breaking
piece of scientific research.
Referee's Comments
Dr Steve Bull
In order to reflect
Plokta's increasing prestige as a scientific journal, we are now
having submissions peer-reviewed before publication.
Bridget Plokta's
Alison Scott
Dr Plokta's nubile
and entirely imaginary niece Bridget gives us her impressions of Paragon.
The Simulacra
D West
An article cunningly reformed from a four-page LoC
in which D West takes issue with Alison's article on the nature of art.
Lokta Plokta
which all the rest of you take issue with Alison's article on the nature of
art, at rather less length.
All Your Catfood Are Belong To Us
Giulia De Cesare
Giulia writes about the
timeshare cats of Westbourne Terrace.
Census Results
The Plokta Statistical Office
I bet you're
all glad to know that your responses to the 2001 Plokta census are
highly classified, and will be kept completely confidential except in all cases
where they're funny.
This is issue 23 of Plokta, edited by Steve Davies, Alison Scott and Mike Scott. It is available for letter of comment (one copy is fine, we pass them over to each other), trade (copies to each of our addresses if possible, please), contribution, editorial whim, or for slices of cake. Institutional rate for JST: £49 per annum.
Art by Ford Madox Brown (The Pretty Baa-lambs), Sue Mason (The Pretty Baa-B-Q-Lambs, silhouette, torture, D West), Katherine Duckworth (Moose), Fred Gambino (Spaceship), D West (painter), Craig Smith (Fannish Discord), Brad W Foster (robo-fish) & Sheryl Birkhead (WAHF)
Photos by Steven Cain (ear candle), Simon Bradshaw et al. (teapots), Alison Scott (hammock, Paragon photos) & Cheryl Morgan (Obey this sign)
Photo collages by Alison Scott (Cover, Croydon Gothic)
The cabal also includes Giulia De Cesare, Sue Mason, George the cat, Steven Cain, Marianne Cain and Jonathan Cain
Plokta Pastorals #2
Having seen The Hireling Shepherd scorned by D West as an inadequate example of a pastoral, we present The Pretty Baa-Lambs (yes, that really is its title) by Ford Madox Brown.
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