Contribution Guide
PNN welcomes news and comment. Follow the links on every page. There is an HTML form for submissions -- even if you don't want to use it, please look at it to see what information we need. You can also email them to us at We are particularly interested in well written and amusing pieces, but all news will be gratefully received, devoured and regurgitated.
We reserve the right to reject, edit, spindle or mutilate any contribution. Anonymous submissions may not be accepted, but we will withhold your name and email address from the site upon request. Contributors retain copyright, but we may redistribute any contribution, in any medium, at any time in the future. We do, of course, honour DNQs. We are also happy to receive longer articles, commentary and artwork, particularly of a topical nature.
PNN is not intended to be a convention listing, though of course we're happy to print news about new conventions, changes to con details, or convention goers tying their friends to sprinkler systems. Nor is it intended to provide a list of all current fanzines, though please let us know when you have a new issue out. For comprehensive listings in these areas, see our Links page.
We offer payment only in egoboo. We might, at some indefinitely remote time, start to take paying advertisements from commercial enterprises of interest to fandom. In the even more remote eventuality (we're talking about a photo finish with the Heat Death of the Universe here) that we turn a profit on these, we will reconsider this policy.