Issue 19
Volume 5 Number 3
April 2000

In This Issue

 •  Contents
 •  Cover Illustration
 •  Editorial
 •  <plokta.con> Programme
 •  Wadde Hadde Dudde Da
 •  Ken MacLeod: An Appreciation
 •  Up the Walls of the World
 •  Lokta Plokta
 •  Photos from the Plokta Vaults

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The Plokta SF convention, from 26-29 May 2000.

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Cover Illustration
A reproduction of the cover of the original paper fanzine.

The editors explain why this isn't a programme book, we feature another of our Leather Goddesses of Academia, and the chairman speaks.

<plokta.con> Programme
You can have a laugh seeing all the things that change between this version of the programme and the one that actually happens at the convention.

Wadde Hadde Dudde Da
Steve Davies
Steve Davies contemplates German art.

Ken MacLeod: An Appreciation
Patrick Nielsen Hayden
Patrick attempts to sum up just what it is that is so appealing about Ken's writing.

Up the Walls of the World
Ken MacLeod
Demonstrating how suitable he is to be the <plokta.con> Guest of Honour, Ken contemplates the delights of constructing flat-pack furniture.

Lokta Plokta
Our correspondents ruminate on every conceivable subject except for house-moving. Trust us, you'll be grateful for this omission.

Photos from the Plokta Vaults
Photos that the cabal and friends took at Potlatch, Corflu, 2Kon, and the odd wedding. And boy, was it an odd wedding.

This is issue 19 of Plokta, edited by Steve Davies and Alison Scott (paper version) and Mike Scott (web version and CD-ROM). It is available for letter of comment (one copy is fine, we pass them over to each other), trade (3 copies if possible, please), contribution, to con members, by editorial whim, or to more credible Worldcon bids.

The cabal also includes Giulia De Cesare, Sue Mason, George the cat, Marianne Cain and Steven Cain.

Art by Sue Mason (Cover, George, Tampons, Ken MacLeod), ATom (Alien signing), Joe Mayhew (Lox), Steve Stiles (Crayons of Doom), and SMS (Rupert).

Photos by Alison Scott (Chest Expanders, Gynaecologist, Potlatch, 2Kon & wedding photos), Steven Cain (Potlatch, 2Kon & wedding photos), Giulia de Cesare (George), Phil Bradley (Jill Bradley) Alison Freebairn (Tami Vining), Ian Sorensen (Andy Hooper), unknown (anything else)

Picture manipulation by Alison Scott (CD label, Chest Expanders, TAFFGirl Slim)

Plokta Advertising Feature

Tired of always being the 98 pound weakling? Get sand kicked in your face at the beach? Want to make an impression on Cleavage Night at <plokta.con>? You need:

Dr Plokta's Patent Chest Expander

Before After
Before: sunken-chested After: could store a bottle of Laphroaig in there

But don't take our word for it! Read these unsolicited testimonials from satisfied customers!

Miss CB of Croydon writes: "I once had trouble storing my briefing papers, but now I've got room for a whole Cabinet."
Mrs YR tells us: "This spring I've got an entire flock of geese living in my cleavage."
Mr MS of Cumbria says: "I'm sorry I've gafiated, but I've been too busy staying at home playing with them."

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