<plokta.con> Programme
THESE ARE the items we think we will be having at <plokta.con>. Please read your Read Me for exact details of timings and participants. [Webmaster's note: the programme turned out slightly different on the day; this reflects how we thought it was going to be two weeks in advance.]
Superfluous Technology -- the Dark Side
We all hear about the technology that makes our lives better, improves the
status quo, and gives you five orgasms before breakfast. But what about the
technology that none of us much want, but which is turning up anyway?
Julian Headlong investigates, assisted by Ken
MacLeod and Emmet O'Brien.
Opening Ceremony
We introduce you to the
Plokta cabal, formally launch the beer, and encourage you all to
buy a drink for Ken MacLeod, our Guest of Honour. We don't
expect the ceremony to last very long, and it will immediately be followed by
Fanzine Panel: We Love the Smell of Hecto in the
Several noted faneds (including Lilian
Edwards, Yvonne Rowse and Vicki
Rosenzweig) discuss the current state of play.
Read 'Em and Weep: Bad but overrated books
The panel discuss great classics of SF which they personally think are
complete rubbish. Paul Kincaid moderates.
Curing the Fan Hugos: are they sick?
Every year the Hugo nominations are announced, and every year fans wring their
hands and complain that the best fan writers, artists and fanzines aren't
properly represented. How could we change the fan Hugos to ensure that the best
candidates appear on the final ballot? Or should we stop worrying and just get
on with it? Victor Gonzalez moderates, with help from
Steve Green and Julian Headlong.
Style Challenge-would you want your daughter to marry
Is it true that fans are the least stylish people on earth?
Stylish fans pick on fannish archetypes from the audience and discuss how they
could be worked over.
Honey, We Flattened the Universe
Amanda Baker and Dave Clements fill us in on
recent developments in astronomy.
Harry Potter and the Runaway Success
fourth Harry Potter novel, due out this summer, has a projected UK print run of
one million copies. In hardback. But surely there are many better childrens'
books? Maureen Kincaid Speller analyses the phenomenon, helped
by Joan Paterson and Sasha Walton.
UK '05 presentation
The Worldcon bid
committee have finally come to a decision about their site. Come and hear them
explain why Glasgow (or possibly Brighton) is a better place to hold the 2005
Worldcon than, say, somewhere that isn't Britain. And why they are the
best team of people to do it. Bring your own rotten fruit.
Guest of Honour Speech: The Secret History
Ken MacLeod relates some of the real-life events that he
has distorted and exaggerated to provide grist for his novels.
No-Tech Babble
"Oh, All Right Then", said
Peter Wareham and Gwen Funnell when we asked
them whether they could do a silly game for <plokta.con>, and this is it.
Book Collecting for Fun and Profit
We all
seem to do it, at least if the teetering piles of books around our homes are
anything to go by. But are we really taking the best possible care of our
collections? Brian Ameringen moderates, along with
Roger Robinson and John Dallman.
Is "Is SF Dead?" Dead: or, Stop Moping and Get on with
The imminent death of SF as an artform has been predicted
regularly since the dawn of time. But every year, more SF books are published
and more SF movies are made. So why all the long faces? Mark
Plummer, Tibs, and Emmet O'Brien
How to be a Complete Bitch
Freebairn moderates this masterclass.
Chris Conway
Live music from Leicester
resident and fan Chris Conway.
UFF Auction
This will be held after the
gig, whenever it finishes. Let us fleece you for a variety of good causes.
The Cabal, accompanied by Bridget Bradshaw on
the balalaika.
A Good Read
Shamelessly nicked from Radio
4; three panellists (Jo Walton, Austin Benson
and Mike Scott) each choose a book (The Sky Road,
by Ken MacLeod, Revelation Space by Alastair Reynolds, and
Mythago Wood by Robert Holdstock), and discuss them.
Superfluous Kari and Phil
Remember Kari's
article about the pretty bendy boys in Hong Kong cinema? In an attempt to
redress the balance, Kari and Phil Nanson
explore the pretty bendy girls, with AV support.
A Fan in the Oven: How to make new SF fans using
materials you probably have lying around the house
At least 5% of
the membership of the con is expecting a child imminently. Alison
Scott (6 months), and Caroline Mullan (duck for
cover; we think she's going to deeble) discuss pregnancy and childbirth the
fannish way. Dr Joan Paterson stands by in case of medical
emergencies, and Lori Meltzer has already had one, so won't be
joining us.
Oh, yes, you remember this from
the dim and distant days of ITV in the seventies. The <plokta.con> mass
participation quiz. This is your chance to answer questions, win bizarre
prizes, and generally have fun. Chris O'Shea is Mike Reid. Now
there's a scary thought.
Electronic Fanzines: We love the smell of JPEGs in the
What exactly is an electronic fanzine? Has there ever
been a good one? With the first online journal convention imminent, is this the
fanwriting form of the web? Can print fanzines translate sensibly to the web?
Dr Plokta repurposes, with help from Sandra
Bond, Vicki Rosenzweig and Victor
Ken MacLeod Reading
Ken reads from his
new novel, Cosmonaut Keep, to be published in November.
Partly Baked Ideas
Dallman discusses those flights of superfluous technology that never
quite got off the ground. Coming soon to an Innovations catalogue near you.
Question Time (or, for Radio 4 Junkies, Any
Your chance to put one of a range of burning fannish
issues to a panel of international experts. Alice Lawson keeps
the peace. Please submit your questions in advance to one of the cabal.
Quick on the Draw
How is it done?
Steve Jeffery, Dave Hicks and Sue
Mason demonstrate their ability to draw anything the audience can
conceive of, while Alison Scott provides colour commentary.
Strange things in your Cleavage
Sunday night is Cleavage Night at <plokta.con>. And this panel celebrates
the notable cleavages of Sue Dawson, Claire
Brialey, Yvonne Rowse and Naomi
Saunders. They will discuss the wide-ranging uses to which one's bosom
may be put. Quack quack.
"Sunday night is Cleavage Night at <plokta.con>"
A Hansom Cab to Hinckley
Wondering about
the whereabouts of next year's Eastercon? The Paragon committee lead an away
team to the uncharted planet of Hinckley. Wear your red shirt and set phasers
on stun.
Good but Underrated Writers
Some people
just don't get the recognition they deserve. Anne Wilson
discusses some authors who ought to be more widely read, supported by
Caroline Mullan, Austin Benson and
Ken MacLeod.
Thog's Masterclass
Sadly, Thog
can't be with us this weekend due to having contracted a severe case of New
Jersey. However, his partner in crime, Dave Langford, provides
us with a juicy selection of those things writers put into their books and
later wished they hadn't. This is a repeat of his item from Aussiecon 3, for
those of you who went down under.
Closing Ceremony
Well, that was that.
Come along and help us close down the convention.
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