August 1996 -- Volume 1, Number 3
Plokta comes to you from Steve Davies and Alison Scott. It is available for letter of comment (one copy is fine!), trade (2 copies if poss, please), contribution, a pint of beer and a pint of breakfast milk, sexual favours or superfluous technology. Send them to the picturesque address of your choice: or email
Slippery when wet. The cabal comprises Steven Cain (in absentia Belgae), Giulia De Cesare, Sue Mason and Mike Scott. Apologies to the Hampshire slash fan for missing her party because we were too busy getting this issue out.
Fillos by Dave Mooring (Lightning, Bomb), Sue Mason (Mice, Elves,
Alison's Nausea), Whipps Cross Hospital (Podzilla), Saatchi & Saatchi (New
Plokta), Steve Davies (Farber Dollar)
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