November 1998 -- Volume 3, Number 3½
Plokta comes to you from Steve Davies and Alison Scott. It is available for letter of comment (one copy is fine, we pass them over to each other), trade (2 copies if possible), articles and artwork, location of Captain Flint's secret diary and beer. Email
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This issue produced while messing around in boats in the Lake District. Swallows and Amazons include Steve Davies (John), Alison Scott (Nancy), Steven Cain (Cap'n Flint), Giulia de Cesare (Missee Lee, and starring as our Athens correspondent), Sue Mason (The Swallow, having her bottom scraped while cottaging in Portmeirion), Mike Scott (Roger the Cabin Boy), Marianne Cain (Bridget the ship's baby) and George (the Picts and the Martyrs). Much thanks to Naomi Saunders (Titty).
Artwork by Sue Mason. Various photos by Steve Davies, Mike Scott, Alison Scott, Steven Cain; photo of Vijay by Barbara Nikke (corset and skirt by Direktor Leathers). Digital manipulation by Alison Scott. Letter column is absent this time because this is a semi-Plokta.
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